Guys, is a woman who preferred videogames over partying in her teens, a turn off?


Please be honest.

Who would you rather date/go out with?

I'm talking about myself here of course, I used to prefer videogames and spending time home or just somewhere nice and quiet over partying, drugs, having X number of (usually fake or temporary) friends and hook ups.

I know that made me less experienced and more awkward, but I think I got over that (the awkward thing), partially at least, I'm still my little old shy me (and I still take an interest in videogames and stuff like that, just not as much as back then when I was younger).

I only wonder whether I should be honest with guys I go on dates with (when I actually go on a date lol) and tell them how much introverted I used to be, or whether I should rather keep my mouth shut?

I'm an ambivert now. I like to go out but only with people worth the time.

Yes, a turn off, I'd prefer a party type
No, not a turn off, it's fine
No, not a turn off, actually it's welcomed
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Guys, is a woman who preferred videogames over partying in her teens, a turn off?
35 Opinion