What happened when I saw this guy in town?


This guy used to have a crush on me.

Ill be honest. I’ve gained weight since he last saw me. Why? Trauma. A lot of it, but I’m not going to play any violins here. Just know I’m working on it. Anyway, I’m a pretty attractive woman, or at least I was before I gained more weight. Guys would turn to look at me, I was often the girl that stood out and I knew it.

So this guy walked by me and my friend the other day. We were on a street and he was walking past. I was pretty excited to see my friend in that moment and we were both talking. While I was talking to her I felt a male gaze on me. No seriously. Ask any woman, at times we can feel a guy watching us before we’ve even seen it ourselves. So basically I knew I was being watched. It wasn’t a great feeling. I look up and I see a pair of eyes staring right back and immediately look elsewhere as I’m already creeped out.

Anyway, he doesn’t stop looking. He’s glaring at me, kind of like he’s bothered or just not happy with me. I don’t know who it is at this point and I’m waiting for him to look away so I can sneak a peak to see if I know him. Eventually he does look away, and I mean a good 6-7 seconds later at least. If even that. As soon as I looked at him he has only just blinked and turned his head towards my friend. Now my friend is beautiful, I mean she’s a 8/10 at least. When he looked at her his initial expression was different. His eyes weren’t sharp anymore, they were almost normal. I know he was slightly attracted to her because he looked at me like that once. Yes I recognise him now. Anyway I looked away again after that.

So I don’t know. I don’t know if he was looking at me displeasingly because of my weight gain or if he was just unsure if it was me. I don’t know if he was just lost in thoughts or if his intimidating expression had changed since I barely looked back the whole time he saw me. Maybe it’s my insecurities speaking. What do you make of this?

What happened when I saw this guy in town?
3 Opinion