Was I being passive aggressive?

Was I being passive aggressive?
Was I being passive aggressive?
Was I being passive aggressive?
Was I being passive aggressive?
Was I being passive aggressive?
Was I being passive aggressive?

I need help figuring if i was passive aggressive or not. Full criticism is always welcome if I was.

Even over the weekend he said since I work Monday and he works Tuesday that I can come over one of those nights.
I was over Monday night, when I left in the morning he said he’d text me in a couple hours. I was the one who texted him first later at night.

He mentioned what he was up to that day, but never mentioned he was hanging out with his friend that is a girl…. she sleeps over a couple nights.
We’ve talked about it before and I’ve been understanding w/him about her as he claims they’re now just “friends” that don’t sleep with each other. Last time they slept together was 8 months ago. I do believe they are good friends (still insecure whether or not to believe that fully) but because he knows how I feel about her, I kind of felt he would’ve reassured me or just apologize that he misspoke.

We are not in a relationship, still in the dating process. But we’ve prioritized each other a lot. Been seeing each other for 2mths.

Am I wrong for wanting to walk away from this, or want to start seeing someone else? I really dont think I was being passive aggressive this time.
But please correct me if I’m wrong.

Was I being passive aggressive?
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