In my head — how do I approach my boyfriend about it and how do I cope with my anxieties?

I’m really happy with where my boyfriend and I are but I basically don’t vibe well with some of his friends. I don’t dislike them necessarily (except for two… that’s for a different post tho LOL) but we just have such strikingly different personalities that I find it hard to connect and make those “close friendship” type relationships with. When we’re all together it makes me end up being quiet and when I’m quiet I feel like I’m coming across stand off-ish but really it’s just that I don’t find a place for me to fit in to conversation (they’re talking about people or things I don’t know, for example). They’ve made comments about other people being “bitches” because they’re stand off ish and quiet and it makes me think “well do they think I’m a bitch bc I’m quiet?” I’ve tried to engage in conversation but it’s like pulling teeth sometimes (and I don't know.. I feel like with the right person I can be pretty outgoing and conversational).

I’m in my head because I’m afraid that it’ll take a toll on our relationship long term. I don't know. I don't know if I should even try talking to my boyfriend about this and if so what would I even say? I feel a little insecure. I can’t explain why. I feel a little jealous maybe? Also can’t explain why.

Can anyone help decipher my emotions?
11 mo
Also totally irrelevant side note but something that I’m also in my head about… we never take pictures. He has pictures with his friends and his exes but when I want to take a picture it never happens bc there’s always some distraction that comes up. I don't know. I’m in my head sbout that too and I hate that I get kind of upset about it. I don't know how to tell my boyfriend the way I’m thinking and feeling without potentially putting him on the defense
In my head — how do I approach my boyfriend about it and how do I cope with my anxieties?
3 Opinion