Guys, Is it a good idea to approach and/or interact with girls?


I'm a tall, socially awkward introvert who is single with almost no social circle.

I see lots of pretty girls around town, many avoid and ignore me, others give me concerned glares, scared expressions and/or dirty looks, when though im not doing anything to them, and very few of them bat they're eyes and smile at me.

I want a girlfriend but i don't know how to approach or interact with girls without them viewing me as creepy, weird and/or predatory.

And of course, i don't want to be falsey-accused of harassment or rape and lots of girls these days have been brought-up by their mothers, mainstream media, feminists and social-media into believing that men are bad, evil and toxic and are criminals, perverts and rapists.

I see a few couples in town together, both boyfriend and girlfriend, and it makes me feel bad because I'm single and alone.

Guys, Is it a good idea to approach and/or interact with girls?
4 Opinion