How to improve myself?


Im sure that this question has been asked a lot of times but I need to ask again. Im 18 ( soon to turn 19) and no girl shown interest in me. There were girls who I approached but I got rejected so I stepped back and decided to let it flow naturally. But even than nothing, and friends around me just get in relationships easily. Girls usually approach my friends or at least give them signals or send them message, but for me it's not like that. Absolutely nothing. I approached girls but still nothing. I'm 6'8 (203cm) and 240 pounds (108kg) so im not ugly physically, I have fresh cut every two weeks and I wear fragrance everyday, I have seen people in worse shape than myself with girls. I'm funny and girls tell me that I'm funny guy, not like making fool of myself or like clown in friends group, genuinely funny or amusing, but there eveything ends. I'm just funny friend nothing more.. I'm social, I know a lot of people and a lot of people now me and respect me (I say this to explain that i'm socially active and putting myself out). Even some friends told me that I look like I have a lot of girls but reality is different. So my question is what to improve, what to change, or I should just wait for it to happen? Honestly, I think like life is passing by and I'm just watching without doing anything, but even when I tried something nothing happened. Don't know what to do.. thank you all.

How to improve myself?
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