How can I improve myself as a person? How can I embrace God into my life more fully in the fastest possible way and did I handle things correctly?

So I just got out of a relationship and the experience humbled me.

It made me realize that I am not as good of a person as I thought I was.

Prior to being in one I thought I was this great and morally outstanding person. I had too much self-pride and thought I was perfect relationship material.

But now I realize I definitely have some serious self-development I need to undergo.

At various points in the relationship, I was behaving poorly, but she had a very forgiving nature. She was far more forgiving than 99% of women would have ever been.

She chose to love and believe in me beyond all reason.

She had this idealist vision of me in her head that didn’t actually exist. She gave me credit for being a far greater person than I actually was.

I was emotionally unavailable, dishonest, manipulative and self centered throughout the relationship.

Yet for whatever reason, she saw me as this amazing person.

And I just knew I wasn’t.

But it was the fear of breaking her heart that kept me from acting. She wanted us to stay together.

But in the end I ultimately shot myself in the foot.

We had moved past an incident and could’ve continued but ultimately it was still weighing on my conciousness so I decided to address it again and straighten out the truth.

It was regarding this brief period of time where I had been acting distant from her for about a week. Only returning about 2-3 messages per day.

During that time I was busy but I had said earlier that I had just run out of conversation ideas and I felt I had nothing to talk about

However I told her the truth yesterday, and that I had just gotten bored.

I didn’t tell her this to make her feel bad, I just wanted her to understand because I felt like shit for not being honest earlier about it.

I assured her everything was fine and that I naturally tend to go through brief periods of social disconnect, but ultimately that was the final nail in the coffin and she took it personally and decided to block me on all social media.

5 mo
For context this was an exclusively online relationship that fell into place.

There definitely are certain challenged posed in online relationships that aren’t posed in non-online ones.

I know to avoid online relationships in the future, but I just worry this experience could be emblematic of a much wider problem with me. Or it might just be natural for most people to feel disconnect because of seperation over an extended period of time.
How can I improve myself as a person? How can I embrace God into my life more fully in the fastest possible way and did I handle things correctly?
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