How can I let a guy down, gently?


Okay, so I was at this work party yesterday. There was a lot of drinking and one of my coworkers told me one of our other co-workers has a super big crush on me. We talk a lot, but I have only ever saw him as a friend. What's ironic is that the guy I kind of like is the one who told me and is kind of pushing me in that direction, so I guess we both got friendzoned, lol. It kind of stung, but in a way, I'm glad he was the one who told me so now I can move on and find someone who I like who likes me back. But back to the story. I have zero romantic feelings for the guy that likes me. He's a really good friend and I enjoy our talks. But only as friends. I can't really come out and say I don't like him like that because he was not really the one who told me. I've honestly considered dating him just so I didn't have to hurt his feelings, but that would not be fair for either of us. So how do I go about handling this situation? I don't want to hurt him and end our friendship, but I also don't want to lead him on. What should I do?

How can I let a guy down, gently?
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