Do you have respect for blue collar then white collar workers?

Ladies, which do you prefer to date etc.

Consider that blue collars work a hazardous job (electrical, construction, mechanical, heights, mechanical) they come home dirty/sweaty/dirty nails, but makes 6 digits and provides. He is one of the workers that builds America (paving roads, building) He just has a high school diploma but makes the same money with someone with a bachelor’s degree. His job requires physical and mental abilities like learning how to rewire a car. Alcohol, vape, marijuana, dip, and cigarettes help him destress from work. He loves his burgers, steaks and sweet tea.

Consider that white collars have a office job with AC sitting on a computer and comes home from 9-5 making 6 digits. He earned a bachelors degree and he might be saving peoples lives (doctor, surgeon). His work is rewarding and given the job, it can be done remotely. It is safe, but it is a sedentary life style.
I respect Blue collar then white
I respect White collar then blue
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Do you have respect for blue collar then white collar workers?
24 Opinion