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In the realm of RoosterBreast's imagination, where fantasy and reality often intertwine in a delightful dance of whimsy, one would find themselves facing an intriguing conundrum. A question that delves into the depths of societal norms and personal preferences alike: "Would you date someone who still watches cartoons as an adult?"
The answer to this query is not as simple as a yes or no, for it involves exploring the labyrinthine corridors of human psyche. But fear not, dear interlocutor! RoosterBreast shall guide you through these maze-like passages with his signature flair and panache.
Imagine if thou will, a man named @BoobSlayer - yes, that very same individual who has been tagged like an unsuspecting prey in the wilds of this discourse. This gentleman is known far and wide for his unwavering adoration towards those voluptuous mounds of feminine charm, often referred to by such endearing terms as "melons", "boobies" or even the more scientifically accurate yet somehow less romantic sounding "mammary glands".
Now, consider this: would @BoobSlayer shun away from a potential suitor simply because they indulge in the timeless art form known as cartoon watching? Perish the thought! For our dear friend is not one to judge based on such trivial matters. After all, his own obsession with those bounteous fruits of nature might seem rather peculiar to some.
However, let us delve deeper into this intriguing query. What if we were to consider the possibility that said cartoon enthusiast also harbors an affinity for anthropomorphic animals or perhaps even possesses a secret penchant for dressing up as various animated characters during their leisure hours? Such revelations could indeed cast a new light on the situation, causing our dear @BoobSlayer to reconsider his stance.
But fear not! In the land of RoosterBreast, where imagination takes flight and reality is but a distant echo, there exists no room for such petty concerns. Here, we celebrate diversity in all its forms - be it an individual's love affair with animated creations or their unwavering devotion to those magnificent twin peaks of feminine splendor. There is always an abundance of coom jars, all are homemade, handmade, and serving our master Lord Orgasmos.
00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
1.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. There are plenty of "cartoons" that are targeted at adult audiences: Futurama, South Park, Archer, Bob's Burgers, and many more. Then you have Japanese animation (Anine). Why would I have a problem with animation?
Maybe if they were watching animation for little children - Peppa Pig or Muppet Babies or something, OK, but even kids shows like Animaniacs had lots of more sophisticated, educational references that adults enjoy.
Why would this be a problem?96 Reply- 1 y
You said it all!
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Animaniacs, Futurama, and a lot of japanese anime were great, still worth watching to this day in my opinion.
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I've definitely seen some "animated" shows that are so brutally dark that there is no way in the world I would recommend them to anyone under 18, so I very much agree with the post above!
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All the shows you mentioned are great. Throw in all of the old Warner Brothers cartoons from the early and mid 20th century, short-lived recent shows like The Oblongs and Mission Hill, and many others that'll take too long to mention here!
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@NYCQuestions1976 I have every Warner Bros Blu-Ray they've released, and all of the Popeye Blu-Rays. Sadly, they've only released about 30% of the WB/Looney Tunes cartoons on home media - I'm hoping they get around to finishing the rest of the library someday, but it's been so long that I'm not very hopeful. At least the ones I have look great in HD.
And while these ARE targeted towards kids, most of these shorts have plenty of adult references and themes that may go over the heads of the young kids, but that adults enjoy - and that wasn't an accident. I totally get that animation isn't to everyone's taste, but I would never think less of someone who enjoyed it, because there's no reason to do so. - 1 y
The 3 Popeye short movies from 1936, 1937, and 1939 were some of the best animations ever made. All 3 films are fantastic, and all 3 are on YouTube. I'm sure you've got them in your collection. It's a shame they didn't make more of them.
I completely agree. Especially nowadays, with many adults frequently playing video games. I'm personally an animation fan, but lost interest in video games as an adult. Why should playing video games as an adult be acceptable, while watching animated shows as an adult is shunned? Enjoying either as an adult shouldn't be looked down on. They're similar likes to me.
yeah a don't care childhood things it brings back there fun who gives a shit i do it aswel i watch disney films watch the old chipmunks from 1984 why because they bring back wonderfull childhood memories i can never never let go of they where to special and watching them older can be a little emotional remembering those days and the special time you had with family and sisters watching all the movies that brought you close i watch cartoons with my niece and nephew on t. v. like i have no choice but only one wich is grizzly and the lemmings that fkn hilarious let me tell you all one thing out there older adults out there can be much more childish in a worse way even if they dont watch cartoon so me a dont give a shit i watch a few with my niece and nephews if someone doesn't like it fine go away a wonder special moments of childhood be torn away because my lover doesn't like me watching them thats reasons why i think I could be better single to be free to do what I please without getting moaned it from a lover that doesn't like that i like disney movies that remind me if when my dad was alive and special moments with family i can't get back and hust enjoying time with my niece and nephews
00 Reply
544 opinions shared on Dating topic. My boyfriend who recently passed away was a big cartoon fan. He would get a bowl of cereal and sit in front of the TV and watch the old ones. He could do such great imitations of almost every old cartoon character. He had ADHD, and with that comes emotional immaturity, so I never tried to ruin his fun. I miss him 💔
42 Reply- 1 y
Watching cartoons and acting are not emotionally immature, they are the exact opposite in fact, as imitating voices requires practice, and watching animation expands one's creativity, also adhd is not a real thing, its just something people say to put down multitaskers.
He sounds like he was a fun person, my condolences for your loss. - 1 y
🤗🤗 My type of guy... **hugs**
What Girls & Guys Said
16.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yeah. Watching cartoons by itself isn't a sign of immaturity.
40 Reply- 1 y
I watch the Fat Albert Halloween special every year along with all the other holiday cartoons. So yeah I would.
00 Reply - 1 y
Animaniacs ( Wakko, Yakko and Dot ), Tom and Jerry, Silvester and Tweety, Lady and Tramp.. ( Who thought i would be a movie star 😆), bugs bunny and the rest. They are classics. I thinks you can see on the type of cartoon what kind of people they are and what type of humor they have.
So yeah let her watch cartoons... I even buy them for her 😀
As a matter of fact soon their will be a box release of 100 cartoon movie tiles... I will order them as an extension of what i have already.
Disney The classic collection / Looney tunes collection 33 Reply- 1 y
Fantasia had a really cool dinosaur scene. Animaniacs was good, and Tom and Jerry, and any of the Looney Toons stuff.
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Hellllllooooooooo, nurse!
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@Massageman 👍😁
4.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. Adult Swim on Comedy Central has cartoons with jokes and plots for adults.
It’s funny I’ve been watching “pedo catchers” on YouTube (basically YouTubers pretending to be Chris Hansen). And these pedos they catch- who graphically sexualize kids- watch kids cartoons.
These catchers basically talk to them for the YouTube views before calling the cops and you can see more often than not their stunted psyche. Same for pedo priests. There was research done than said most convicted priests had a mindset of a child.
So anyway, no. I would require a similarly intelligent ambitious mindset in a woman. And unfortunately I picked one higher than myself and now I’m having to catch up. Lol
00 Reply- 1 y
Yeah I would. I watch cartoons occasionally. They remind me of my childhood. My man watches cartoons and anime it doesn't bother me. I see nothing wrong with it. Shit I watch them so how could I tell him he couldn't haha.
51 Reply For sure, as I myself do it. What is the problem with watching cartoons at any age, but to be fair what i most watch now are animes, and there are animes for all age ranges, i do not know if you know but there are some animes with more serious subjects being portraied and they are for older age ranges, but western cartoons not so much, they are too bland in comparison sadly.
00 Reply- 1 y
For starters, some cartoons / animated series are intensely adult and thought provoking, or even when they aren't, they are NOT meant for children.
Or even when they are kiddie fare, there is nothing wrong with adults getting nostalgic, or unwinding with some laughs after a hard day, etc.
00 Reply It depends. A regular fan of a TV cartoon is rather juvenile. Watching occasionally is fine.
Really, being addicted to episodic entertainment is rather childish in my opinion. There are so many other things to do than commit to television.
Again, occasionally watching something as a change of pace, or seeing a theatrical movie or special or something is a different story.
Context matters.
01 Reply- 1 y
Oh i went to the theaters and saw wonderful productions like
Lion king, wizard of os, beauty and the beast..
darn I'm addicted..😱😱
yes, myself i watch family guy, southpark, simpsons
20 ReplyIf they don't watch cartoons, I wouldn't date them. Animation is for everyone, and thinking being an adult means you can't enjoy the lighter side of life is a clear indication you are not my type.
00 Reply- 1 y
Yeah. I'm a person that's watched cartoons pretty much all of their life even when I got older. Sometimes it's hard to come by good cartoons these days, but there are some great ones out there.
10 Reply - 1 y
yes i watch tintin southpark and mulan i am nearly 30. cartoons are relaxing. they are like therapy. they are smart but you dont need to use your brain too much to understand them.
13 Reply- 1 y
Me too
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@davado88 lol i will try it
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Nope! I also wouldn't date a guy that plays video games. Leave the childish things in the past and act like an adult.
22 Reply- 1 y
Did something happen?
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Yes. I grew up and became an adult. You should too.
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A lot of animation is made for adults now and regardless there is nothing wrong with enjoying cartoons as an adult. It is a lot better for you than watching porn all the time.
00 Reply - 1 y
Umm this falls into the video game category too. And in all honesty it's great to have hobbies so long as there is balance.
I don't want to be fighting with said hobbies for time and attention00 Reply I would. I'd like to have company when watching cartoons. I miss the times my partner and I watched Road Runner, Mickey Mouse, and Rocket J. Squirrel.
00 Reply- 1 y
As long as it’s not some overly-kiddy show like paw patrol.
I’m 30 and will still sit down for some courage the cowardly dog, samurai jack or adventure time.00 Reply 711 opinions shared on Dating topic. family guy south park esque type stuff, anime, the occasional nostalogic kid show? no problem with that
obessively watches my little pony, teenage ninja turtles etc? uhhh..
00 Reply2K opinions shared on Dating topic. If one of your red flags is about something watching cartoons then... you need to take your red flags more serious, and loose absurd expectations.
00 Reply4K opinions shared on Dating topic. There's nothing wrong with cartoons.
Anyone who thinks that being an adult and watching cartoons is immature is actually the one who is immature.
00 Reply- 1 y
Cartoons? Maybe if its only a few times a year. I like nostalgia. But Anime? Ehh its a bit of a turnoff. I wouldn't care as much as long as they dont ask me to watch with them
01 Reply- 1 y
Anime... lol
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Anyone who says no would probably make a terrible partner tbh
02 Reply- 1 y
So like PrettyCrumblBb in this topic?
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Yeah, I enjoy watching some cartoons myself. I like watching Scooby Doo. I sometimes enjoy watching kids movies too.
00 Reply - 1 y
Depends on the cartoons. Lol not the new ones because they are more babyish than the ones I grew up with!!
00 Reply Of course, there is nothing wrong with cartoons, brings us a little bit of childhood when we didn’t have any problems and we were just happy
00 Reply1.1K opinions shared on Dating topic. Would depend on the cartoon , plenty of intellectual cartoons
Simpsons - Family Guy - Good morning USA , South Park , hardly kids stuff.
00 Reply- 1 y
Cartoons are modern clandestine parables... as Bill Cosby's cartoon used to say: "... and if you're not careful, you just might LEARN something..." ;)
00 Reply - 1 y
I assume that we're not talking about adult cartoons like Family Guy and Futurama.
And, yeah, of course I would. I still watch Ed, Edd, N' Eddy, some animes, Justice League, Batman, Gumball, etc.10 Reply Since I love cartoons or animation (to be sophisticated) then of course.. We could watch them together..
00 Reply- 1 y
Considering I still do, I don’t see why not.
10 Reply 11.6K opinions shared on Dating topic. It depends whether she watches good cartoons or bad ones. Family guy, American Dad!, Rick and morty? OK! But if she watches something wackass like Tom and Jerry then no. 😂
00 Reply- 1 y
Sure. Why not? Same with video games. I don’t do those things but a lot of my friends do.
10 Reply Are you kidding me?
I love watching cartoons, especially Duck Tales, and Tinny Toons00 Reply350 opinions shared on Dating topic. I'd like someone who likes what I enjoy. There are hardly any cartoons that don't have a second level of adult humour.
00 Reply- 1 y
Sure. it's a form of media, no age restriction on it lmao.
00 Reply - 1 y
she says anime is not cartoons but i do date girls who watch cartoons which include anime.
01 Reply- 1 y
Anime is short for hand drawn animation, cartoon also means hand drawn animation.
Its the same exact thing, just different language regions.
14K opinions shared on Dating topic. I could tolerate South Park or something like that, but anything more childish is a real turn-off.
00 Reply10.5K opinions shared on Dating topic. Some of the most cutting-edge humor is in animated shows. And even some kids cartoons are watchable. So yes.
I watch South Park, Family Guy and such regularly.
00 Reply11.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Sure, some cartoons are quite funny, and some are made for an adult audience.
00 ReplyPlenty of cartoons for adults. Not a red flag. If he/she watches anime then possibly.
00 Reply- 1 y
Yeah it's cool when someone has an inner child.
10 Reply - 1 y
i wouldn't mind.. he can watch whatever in his free time
10 Reply - 1 y
Adults play video games quite commonly nowadays. So what's wrong with watching cartoons as an adult?
00 Reply - 1 y
Yes, why would that be a reason not to? If you include anime a large number of adults watch 'cartoons'
00 Reply - 1 y
I would. That's kind of cute, honestly, though it depends on the cartoon and her reason for watching them
00 Reply If watching and going crazy about marvel movies, then what's wrong watching cartoons?
The main question is your partner is mature enough to deal with you or not.
10 Reply- Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Watching cartoons is not a red flag on its own and is very useful as a parent.
Perhaps you relate cartoons to something else? Maturity perhaps..
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Yes, of course. I still watch some cartoons as an adult myself. ❤️
We could watch cartoons together ☺️
00 Reply - 1 y
Cartoon doesn't equal childish. Plenty of adult content out there.
10 Reply 7.3K opinions shared on Dating topic. I still watch cartoons too so it would be okay with me.
00 Reply- 1 y
Depends on the target audience, with family being perfectly fine.
Also anime are not cartoons. It’s an art style.
00 Reply 3K opinions shared on Dating topic. If someone had a problem with that then that's a red flag. Take the stick out of your ass and enjoy life, that's what I say.
00 Reply- 1 y
Yes. I still watch animated shows and films. Just finished watching Babylon 5 The Road Home. Cool story, very subpar animation.
00 Reply - 1 y
Yep I would actually. I also watch cartoons and there's nothing wrong in that. at least my partner and me share some interest together
16 Reply- 1 y
What shows?
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Courage the cowardly dog
Oggy and the cockroaches - 1 y
God I can’t watch Courage anymore. Too much for me. Nice pfp by the way.
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I watch it when I get free and thank you
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I wouldn't date someone who doesn't watch cartoons/anime.
00 Reply - 1 y
I would have a bigger problem if they didn’t watch cartoons as an adult.
00 Reply 18.8K opinions shared on Dating topic. That doesn’t really matter as long as they don’t take it. Seriously, just laugh at it.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Yes if they don't force their cartoon interests on others and bore them
00 Reply 1K opinions shared on Dating topic. as long as they don't act like a child. cartoons are just entertainment.
00 ReplyI still watch cartoons myself who am I to judge
00 Reply- Show More (43)
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