Update: Patient's moms boyfriend who came onto me. Should I continue to work there?

So I told the mom about it and she cried and said she would talk to him and she was putting him out. Unfortunately, he sweet talked her and he's staying. She wants me to still work at the house and says she's putting cameras everywhere to make sure he behaves, lol omg. Also, found out he's here illegally. Thoughts?
Update: Patients moms boyfriend who came onto me. Should I continue to work there?
Do not go back there to work
Go back to work there but if he does it again quit
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6 mo
Sucks but.. I've chosen not to return and will be telling my boss Monday. I really adored the child and the family outside of the boyfriend being there. It was steady consistent income
Update: Patient's moms boyfriend who came onto me. Should I continue to work there?
3 Opinion