At 29, am I too old for this website when I turn 30?

I've lurked here on and off over the years. I sort of feel like the Sexuality and Relationship and Dating sections that I enjoy most over the years, would get cringey once i am a 30 year old + guy writing answers or questions. Thoughts, "friends?" Lol thanks strangers of internet lore
Yes the sexuality and love sections are not as cringey in your 20s
The 20s is the sexuality decade, not the 30s (retire from GAG, old man) lol 😂😆
I thought you've already left and returned and left and returned?
Why do I care lol if you stay in GAG or go find a better site/other things to enjoy your time and hobbies or watch TV
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5 mo
Oops, this was supposed to be under GAG community as the Topic. How did I get dating as the topic setting for the question lol 😂😆
At 29, am I too old for this website when I turn 30?
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