Guy has girlfriend but is sad I'm going on a date?


I talk to this guy everyday Facetime/chat but he has a girlfriend. I found out last month they started dating. I have a huge crush on him but he gushes about his girlfriend all the time. I've never met him and he's a new online friend. He wants me to come visit and help him find a job and says he'll take me out to dinner with his first paycheck. He does freelance work and makes money through Tiktok livestreams. That's how we met and started interacting offline.

But I told him I'm going on a date today and he was really sad about it and told me to have fun in a low voice. He also doesn't like it when I talk about other guys I'm interested in dating. But he was talking about me online and said he thinks I like him to the chat. I do like him but nothing I can do when he has his girlfriend and talks about her all the time.

What should I do? Does he want me to wait for him while he's dating his girlfriend bc I'm not.

5 mo
He got really mad when I told him I was going on a date. He said date all these guys if you want but you don't have me!
Guy has girlfriend but is sad I'm going on a date?
6 Opinion