What do you give as a gift on a date?

Because it was just Christmas and we're going to see the local area together - I think he's driving - I want to give him a present. What do you give a man you're seeing for the first time just after Christmas for a date? What is customary in the States and what should you spend when buying a bottle of wine, for example? Rather dry or sweet? Rather red or white? Or would you prefer no wine?
4 mo
Ok. Thanks. Was not sure - but I guess we spend much time together. He invited me for Lunch at my favorite Italian Restaurant and bought Whisky and Rum in a store, because I didn't know that Rum and he didn't know that Whisky. He keeps the Rum and he gave me the Whisky finally. I got so much. So I invited him for the dinner at the Restaurant later. Guess that was ok
What do you give as a gift on a date?
4 Opinion