Chance for two wives?

Just got my first paycheck as a doctor. My income is around $450,000, and I’ve invested in plenty of stocks, got lucky with many investments during pandemic. I Just turned 33, and I can retire fairly early. I’ve only had one serious relationship, and only slept with one girl because I got too busy with school. Six foot, semi athletic, and won’t be in debt soon. No kids and I’m pretty damn attractive (NOT narcissistic, I really took a lot of time taking care of myself). I feel like I check a lot of boxes for a lot of girls so I was wondering if I could get two women who wanted a serious long term relationship. I understand the laws, and I just want to enjoy my hard work. I don’t want to go out being promiscuously. I actually want two women who are willing, even though I know they may only be interested in the money. What’s my chances?

Chance for two wives?
Post Opinion