3 mo

Girls, If you really wanted to hook up with a guy and he originally asked you out on a traditional date would you rather have him just ask you over?


So I’ve been chatting up a girl I met online for 2 weeks. She’s real and verified. We talked on the phone and everything matches up.

I was teasing, funny and flirty in my messaging but never brought up sex. She also usually brought up flirty stuff first.

So anyway we planned a traditional date this weekend. I sent her a joke (clean) pic of myself in an old Halloween costume since it was related to our conversation. I then asked her for a few more pics and to my total surprise she responded with a topless pic. I wasn’t totally shocked but caught off guard a bit. She’s in her mid 20s and very busy herself with a devoted job and she takes care of family. She also recently moved out to my state from far away and probably doesn’t know many people.

So anyway she’s given all signs she wants a hook up which is fine. But that’s not how I approached it first. It’s been a year now since I’ve gotten laid (i work 2 jobs and have zero time) so I don’t mind. She not completely random either. We know each others background.

Should I just ask her to come over my place and make her dinner since the original meetup location is far away from where we both live (it’s also cold af right now where I live)

I don’t usually ask girls to come over my place unless I’ve met them before. But if sounds like she wants to get right at it. I wasn’t planning on that. But I wonder how it might come off with me changing my plans. Should I just outright tell her what I am thinking? It seems like when a girl hints heavily about wanting sex and responds with “alright come one over” they often get turned off.

3 mo
I am just going to do the date as planned. No expectations one way or another.

I should be happy and excited anyway. An attractive young lady (who isn’t a bum) is very interested in me. Got no room to complain. It’s a good thing even it is just sexual.
3 mo
The girl cancelled last Saturday. Here excuse sounded legit but I think she just found a “better deal”. Haven’t heard from her since. Not going to reach out again. Disappointing though. I know I didn’t make any mistakes.
Girls, If you really wanted to hook up with a guy and he originally asked you out on a traditional date would you rather have him just ask you over?
2 Opinion