1 mo

Boyfriend (26) not taking initiative what should I (24) do?


Me (24) and my boyfriend (26) have been together for almost 5 years. We’re basically best friends and have been inseparable since the beginning. But lately I feel like he hasn’t been taking initiative to keep our flame going. I made a list of pros and cons so this might be a bit of a ramble. For starters, he doesn’t take the time to plan out dates and when we do I’m usually the one who chooses where we go. We’re both very lax when it comes to plans so I don’t mind when things change last minute. He’s also not very romantic and I’m usually the one who initiates sex. It’s not like he doesn’t want to fuck me (he’s almost always hard) but he doesn’t take the time or effort to woo me. He doesn’t like giving me oral and frankly I stopped asking cause there would always be an excuse ie: I haven’t shaved enough (I’m not smelly by any means and shower almost everyday cause I hate being stinky). Which is fine but again he doesn’t take initiative on getting me off and puts his climax first before mine. I’m always down to visit his family for holidays and gatherings, but he’s usually absent from mine. Sometimes when we’re out with friends he puts me down by making jabs at my lack of confidence in certain situations. He’s been better with this, but every once in a while it’ll come back full circle. I don’t say anything initially cause I don’t want to make a scene, but it truly hurts when I have his back 24/7 and then he makes a comment like that in front of mutual friends. It’s getting to the point of our relationship where I’m struggling to hold on to him. We’ve talked a few times about our needs and he’s down to fix his habits, but nothings really changed. He’s an overall good guy and probably the sweetest man I’ve ever met. I love him with all my heart but I’m not sure I can take this anymore. What should I do? Currently my plan is to wait a few months and if these feelings are still there I’m breaking up with him.

Boyfriend (26) not taking initiative what should I (24) do?
2 Opinion