1 mo

What do you think about those “ Are we dating the same guy” groups on Facebook?


I read about the “are we dating the same guy” in an article about the groups being a potential lawsuit waiting to happen. I joined the ones in my city cause I was curious but after reading through a lot of posts, I genuinely shocked at how unhinged the posts are. With one post calling for the police to be contacted because a guy was really rude to her in messages ( he called her fat). The odd post was helpful, one was about a guy who had a string of criminal convictions for domestic violence but the majority are cray cray esp the ones in my city.

So have you joined them, have they helped you? Are you a man, Have you ever been a victim of one of these groups? I’m genuinely curious cause I can see these groups ruining someone’s life.

Helpful & protecting women
Dangerous & harmful
Other (explain)
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What do you think about those “ Are we dating the same guy” groups on Facebook?
13 Opinion