9 d

Why am I not interested in GIrls?


I just turned 19 and im a virgin. I had a prom date last year and it almost happened but she decided she didn't want to. I really don't care other than people tease me. I am not really that interested in sex or dating. I work full time at a stock brokage firm I work 10 yours a day mon-thursday. Friday i get to stay at home to study for my test. I study all day Friday and half day saturdays then i have soccer games too. Sunday is my day off. I really have no interest in dating. No im not gay, i find chicks hot I just have not interst in dating or anything? I haven't been on a date or even really talked to a girl since prom last year.. Whats wrong with me?

Why am I not interested in GIrls?
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