25 d

Why is my ex boyfriend telling someone he is seeing that I’m obsessed with him even though we do not talk at all?

I am reposting this question because it seemed to be very misunderstood and maybe I didn’t give enough detail.

I am absolutely done with my ex boyfriend. We have 0 communication. I started ignoring him completely a few months ago because I wanted to move on after a 3 year relationship. We work together. Someone who we both work with from another location really liked him and they went to a restaurant and a couple drives and she came to me saying he doesn’t seem normal (which he isn’t).

I told her he is not , he has mental problems which she picked up on right away. She told me he was very inconsistent with her , and the last time they saw each other, a month ago they went on a drive and he seemed very depressed so she asked about me because she said she could sense his mind was elsewhere. He complained about our location gossiping about him and said I am still obsessed with him even though I literally have not spoken to him in months. She also tried touching him and he was shooing her away and said the kissing seemed forced.

She came to me asking if we were still together because she gets the sense that he isn’t over me, and I made it clear we have not been together in months. She says she feels like he’s using her to get over me.

The problem I’m having here is that he is making up stories about me. I know him very well and he’s always switch things around to make him look wanted.
25 d
I also still catch him staring at me at work all the time , he will sit in the corner and my coworkers have caught him looking through the mirrors staring at me ; he tried to be more friendly with my last week and I completely ignored him. I think he hasn’t fully healed from the situation so instead of being honest, he’s twisting things around with her and telling IM the problem.
Why is my ex boyfriend telling someone he is seeing that I’m obsessed with him even though we do not talk at all?
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