25 d

Ladies, lets say you agree to a date with a guy. You like him but he pulls up in this old car. Red flag?

And guys have you ever had a date either stop seeing you because of or making complete fun of your car?

Ladies, lets say you agree to a date with a guy. You like him but he pulls up in this old car. Red flag?
Yup thats a red flag and id consider stop seeing him
Major red flag and deal breaker
Not a red flag but id definitely wonder why he doesn’t have a better car
It doesn’t matter to me whatsoever what condition of car he’s driving. As long as i like him
Im a guy and I've had dates make fun of the car i was driving before
Im a guy and have actually been dumped because she didn’t like my car
Im a girl and actually a guy has made fun of my car!
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Ladies, lets say you agree to a date with a guy. You like him but he pulls up in this old car. Red flag?
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