25 d

I saw this guy on the bus and im head over heels for him, should I go knock on every door to find him (where he got off) or would that be crazy?

We only met for like 4 or 5 minutes, but he was so handsome and majestic that i literally had a huge but i mean HUGE crush on the guy.. like i was feeling things!

It was crazy to me, to be catching feelings for someone I just met "on a bus" !! (That's the first time it's happening too)

He was between the age of 45 - 50 years old (I love old men) & had bright blue eyes ๐Ÿคค & a long white fluffy beard ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ & he was short and chubby like I like... I couldnt stop looking at him and after that I couldn't stop thinking of him. He's the type of guy that would make me obsessed.

he got off the bus 4 stops after I entered, and I noted the street..

Now, I would like to find him and for that, I would need to ask the neighbors if they kbow this guy OR he will answer the door and thats it.. but is that appropriate? To me yes it is, because I am not a snowflake.. like if he isn't interested in young girls like me he can just say it, the end. What do y'all think?

Should I do it or is this crazy?

Sounds crazy but yes do it
I wish a girl did this for me
This is inappropriate and if this was me I would be scared
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I saw this guy on the bus and im head over heels for him, should I go knock on every door to find him (where he got off) or would that be crazy?
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