24 d

Is my guy friend still trying to date me?

My guy friend and I have been friends for at least 15 years or more (we’re both 32 years old). We both like or are interested in each other and have been for many years now and have expressed that to each other on multiple occasions. He wants to hangout, which is cool we have done that many times in the past. Out of my own curiosity, is ‘hanging out’ sometimes a code word or phrase dating? I ask this because in the past when we hung out, we were supposed to be hanging out as just friends. However, when we started hanging out more (just him and I) he started trying to do things like put his arm around me and cuddle with me at his house. It never went any further than that because I stopped him, because at the time, I wasn’t interested in being more than friends or even being intimate or physical with him. This time around I would be and am interested in exploring that. We both expressed that if you ever got the opportunity to date or explore a romantic relationship with each other, then we would. Though this time he said that he wanted to ‘hangout’ I’m wondering it’s gonna be the same thing as in the past or is he really trying to just hang out as friends? Most of the time I would just ask the guy himself this question, though I don’t feel he is gonna say that or even call it a date. To me and my perspective he say ‘hangout’ but all the things that he wanna do with me sound like dates. Is this me or am I misinterpreting things? Also if he’s trying to date me, why doesn’t he just come out and say it?

Is my guy friend still trying to date me?
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