Is it possible to develop feelings with someone you haven't met in person yet?

Is it possible to develop feelings with someone you haven't met in person yet?

Eg, you deal with someone on the phone a lot in work and email also etc, you never met them in person but you get on very well and you both get very close and start to trust each other etc. Can also include online dating I guess.

But do people think it's possible to develop genuine feelings in these senarios? Having seen only a photo?
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+1 y
an majority for the yes vote but what I'm referring to by saying"genuine feelings" is what if you meet in person and despite previously knowing what they look like, what if there is just no "vibe" or chemistry? is that possible?

i've really gotten to like this guy and not sure whether to trust my feelings for him or whether they're some sort of projection onto him cos he's a nice guy at the end of a phone or email...
+1 y
Well we met, and eh...lets just say we clicked ;) in more ways than one ;)
Is it possible to develop feelings with someone you haven't met in person yet?
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