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+1 y

The Positive Things Of Using Social Media

I'd say everything you mention, besides spending crazy amounts of times on them, is positive. There are a bunch of negative outcomes too though, for example cyber bullying, stalking, or not... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Am I Ready to Move in With My Significant Other? Let's Count the Reasons!

It's really hard to know when it's the right time in my opinion. Even if all the things you mentioned check out, there are still a bunch of reasons it could go wrong. I will wait a looong time... Relationships

+1 y

30 Daily Struggles Of Being Male

Love the sarcasm, enjoyed this much more than the original. Society & Politics

+1 y

17 Foreign Beauty Trends That Westerners Find Gross!

Every country or ethnic group have their own culture, which influences the standard of beauty. I don't find most of these gross though, only the crooked teeth and lip plate. Henna and large nose... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

30 Daily Struggles of Being Female

I don't think most of these are that bad. If you don't want to, you don't need to wait for men to approach you. If you hate your hair getting stuck on your lipgloss, don't wear it. If you hate... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why it's Okay to Ghost Sometimes

I've never ghosted anyone, but there were times where I was seriously considering it. Relationships

+1 y

5 Topics to Discuss Before Saying "YES"!

I feel like all of these are really obvious. For example the sex bit, I wouldn't even date someone I wasn't sexually compatible with, much less so marry them. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

How to Become More Attractive <3

Change your looks, change your voice, change your wardrobe, change your personality but most importantly BE YOURSELF. Lol. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Dealing With Stereotypes Because of Your Nationality...

All stereotypes are somewhat based in truth though. Obviously it doesn't apply to everyone, but it's a fact that people in China consume much more rice than any other carb, that Americans have one... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why Does Everyone Say That Being Single is a Choice? I Don’t Think it is

I think being single can indeed be a choice. I've been single for over a year, and I'm perfectly content that way. This may not be true for other people, who are looking to date but without... Dating

+1 y

To All the "Nice" F*ckboys Out There

I don`t understand how you could fall for a guy like that. Strangers opening the chat with "hey babygirl" or "ur hot" are automatically a no for me. Dating

+1 y

The Ultimate Relationship Tests

I agree with everything except the point about IKEA. I don't think furniture is worth fighting about. Relationships

+1 y

My Thoughts on Self-Pity

While all of this is true, it's not always a choice to feel self-pity. It can be really hard to get over certain things. Other

+1 y

Strict Parenting Handicaps Children

When I first started reading this, I thought I agreed, but your points escalated really quickly. I grew up with strict parents and my experience was a bit different. The first two points are... Family & Friends

+1 y

You're Not Agnostic, You're An Atheist

Nice take. I always thought it was common knowledge that atheism and agnosticism are not the same thing. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Is Cute Really The Worst Thing You Can Call a Man?

This is really interesting. The word cute can indeed have many different menings. I get that guys take it as more of an insult though, since they usually want to seem all manly and powerful, and... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

The Sexism of the English Language

I'm all for equal rights for men and women, but being offended by the word mother having a different meaning than the word father is plain stupid. It's a different word, obvioulsy it as a... Society & Politics

+1 y

Tall Girls, You Are Cute Too!

All of my friends are super tall and I get really jealous. Not only do they look thinner, but they can also eat more without gaining weight. And they just look so graceful and elegant all the time. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

I'm a "Good Girl" In This Day and Age

I'm not judging you her, but your life just sounds so boring to me. You're missing out on a ton, but each to their own. Dating

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