You're Not Agnostic, You're An Atheist


I think many people like to claim that they are agnostic because they're afraid of coming out and telling people that they are atheists. Humorously I, and several people I know, were willing to come "out of the closet" to their parents in regards to sexual preferences, but are terrified about telling their parents about their closeted beliefs about religion/ theism.

But, for those of you who just don't understand I'll try to write this myTake to elucidate on my thoughts on the issue, and hopefully no longer have to argue this point, although I'm sure I will. While I like Huxley for his work in spreading "Darwinism" one thing I can't thank him for is for coining the term agnostic because of all the confusion it has caused. Gnosticism and Agnosticism has to do with claims about knowledge, whereas theism and atheism have to do with your beliefs about a specific claim. These two positions are not mutually exclusive, in fact the two have little to do with each other. Below I'll put a little picture to give the general idea.

You're Not Agnostic, You're An Atheist

Many of you may be thinking, but atheists say there are no gods! They are making a faith based claim that no gods exist. Wrong, while yes, some atheists take on an additional claim that no gods exist (this tends to be known as gnostic atheism, strong atheism, or anti-theism) that is not the definition of atheism.

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

"Atheism is one thing: A lack of belief in gods."

Definition of atheism
1a : a lack of belief or a strong disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods
b : a philosophical or religious position characterized by disbelief in the existence of a god or any gods

Etc Etc

You're Not Agnostic, You're An Atheist

Some of you may at this point be concerned that I haven't proven my title to be true. That's for two main purposes, firstly, I was being a tad hyperbolic. Secondly, however, I think depending on how you define knowledge the case changes. If, for example, you believe knowledge has something to do with absolute knowledge etc then we would agree that it's possible to be both a theist and an agnostic. If, however, you think of knowledge just as a justified belief then I would think that in the act of saying "I don't know if a god exists" that would mean that you in fact do not believe in a god, making you an atheist. I decided to put this at the end because based on prior experience most people won't read all the way down to here, and I though clearing up the first bit was more important.

Anyway, hope this cleared up a bit, looking forward to some responses.

You're Not Agnostic, You're An Atheist
74 Opinion