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+1 y

The dilemma of not knowing where life will take you

One step at a time. Going into college and trying classes is not a bad move. You'll either graduate fast or hit roadblocks and change plans. You'll never know if you're going to change a plan... Education & Career

+1 y

Hating white people is also racist

This is so true. Being a minority group in California, I experienced racial discrimination in school. People will be nice to you, but you're an outsider. You're not one of the Asians or... Society & Politics

+1 y

The Benefits Of Being A Social Outcast

Haha! Yeah I've been this my whole life. I was always authentic, so while others were assimilating and trying to fit in I didn't. As a result I had like 5 friends and got invited to a college... Other

+1 y

Why I Love Black Women

My man. 👍🏼 Girl's Behavior

+1 y

You're more beautiful when you're not aware of it

This is what makes cute girls so appealing. They don't realize with tweaks in style and presentation they could be a 'hot' girl. Or they don't want to conform. That's the draw. Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why Being Friendzoned Isn't Bad

Actually this is true. Especially 2, 3 and 4. But only if the friendship is real. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

"JOKER" Movie Review: Breaking the Silence!

You're right about the darkness of positivity. The whole 'just be happy -- things are great! 🥴' mindset is horrible. Things are great or they are not. The whole 'not with that attitude'... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Stalking = Desire > Reason

Lmao. This guy looks like me Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why am I writing this...

Sometimes figuring yourself out is wrong. Sometimes you just need to view the same circumstance from a different vantage point, or perspective and compare them. What this can do is sort out... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

My First Solo Trip Experience!

Fake wallet and ring is so smart. I'm sitting here like 🤯. I should get both of those. Travel

+1 y

Psychology of Color

This is helpful. I may play around with this myself. But what do golds (chino color), silvers and grays communicate? Dating

+1 y

Dating isn't easy because you're not having fun with it!

This is a cool representation of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, I like how it shows zero self-esteem prior to meeting safety needs. As physiological needs become lower and lower priority,... Dating

+1 y

Online Dating: If You Haven't Had Good Results...Read This! (Part 1)

Meh. Real life is better. For instance, isn't it odd that everyone on Tinder looks amazing but go out in public and you wonder where all those people are at? Or worse, you run into someone... Dating

+1 y

Social Responsibility At Christmas: Feeding The Homeless

Honestly, making a public kitchen for them to cook in is actually for helpful to them than feeding them foods that they may not actually need. Really. I don't know why everyone is eager to give... Holidays

+1 y

Growing up with Autism (Asperger's Syndrome)

I have always strongly suspected autism in myself. I certainly display some traits as does my dad. Moreover, I do question much of what people seem to consider normal. Health & Fitness

+1 y

She Is Educated, Smart, Successful And Yet Perpetually Single. LOL!

She's smart enough for a PhD but not smart enough to realize half the things on her list are financial liabilities that no smart guy who was capable of getting a PhD himself would ever own?... Dating

+1 y

To the blonde Nymph

Well man. I've got to be honest. I don't understand how you manage your time in order to be able to date around so much. I'm just happy to get some looks in the grocery store on the daily grind.... Dating

+1 y

My Top 3 Dating Tips for Singles During The Holidays

All this stuff only works for conventional people with conventional lifestyles. In other words, these people don't actually have any trouble, they just lack visibility. There are much bigger... Holidays

+1 y

I can't do this anymore

Repent. It's the only way. Until then, arguably it's normal to feel down. In the meantime I find long hot showers work well. Break Up & Divorce

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