Can you pass the chicken test?

I randomly saw this on my recommended feed and I found it pretty funny. So apparently this is at the Indiana University police academy. There cadets are working to get their peace officer's licenses so they can start reaching out to departments & sheriff offices to begin their career in law enforcement.

As someone also going in to that field, it requires a high level of discipline, focus, professionalism, knowledge and social skills. As part of that, I presume to test their ability to stay focused and on task, a teacher had them line up and he'd tell them to stay focused as he moves a toy chicken into their peripheral view and squeaks it.

If they begin to smile or look at the chicken, they have to hold a plank position as punishment. This test is flawed in my mind as it doesn't really gauge their maturity or professionalism well, more their sense of humor. I can see why they'd want to discourage laughing in the officers as they'll see a ton of hilarious things on the job where laughing would not be acceptable and aggravate citizens, so they need to keep a straight face at least until after the interaction is over.

It's hard for me to say whether I'd pass or fail the test as my personality is very conditional and in some ways, turbulent in that smaller details may influence my behavior significantly.
I'd either immediately laugh out loud the second he moves the chicken into my peripheral vision, or he would stand there squeezing the chicken all day long and stay looking forward, standing straight up with a straight face exactly as instructed.

Do you think you could pass that test?
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Can you pass the chicken test?
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