What was the most incompetent or poorly managed place you've ever worked for?

What was the most incompetent or poorly managed place youve ever worked for?

There was a major media corporation I worked for in 2014 that was so incompetent and poorly ran, I got hired with another guy and a woman and for one month had no actual position there. From Monday through Friday, I clocked in at 9am, was on an empty computer on social media all day, left at 5pm, and got paid.

If I brought up that me and the two others got hired for non-positions, they possibly would've "corrected" the mistake and fired us. So after a month, I took the top vacant position related to what I applied for, Head Security Officer (which was never taken off the website or delisted), and then told payroll that was my position and that they made a "mistake" with the pay. And they corrected it, no questions asked!

There was a bit on The Office where Catherine Tate did the same thing and no one believed you could just bluff your way into being a manager by just saying you are. But I assure you, plenty of companies out there are like this.

I didn't have the three years corporate experience to be a manager, or else I would've just made myself the new manager instead. I figured that the pure chaos had to be one component in how this company was still profitable and that had I tried to "fix things" by making myself manager, my attempts would've ruined the company. Basically, "if it's somehow still profitable despite all this, don't fix what ain't broke."

I was there from January to October 2014 until I left the position. The company was a drain on my mental health due to how stupid everyone there was. I actually put out my own job post online for a replacement, essentially "hired" her myself, told her everything about the company's incompetence including the lack of any management, and then told actual HR she was just "hired" as my replacement and needed to be put in the system. And of course, it worked.

I won't say the name of this corporation, but I'll say it rhymes with "Belfast."

What was the poorest managed place you've ever worked for?

What was the most incompetent or poorly managed place you've ever worked for?
Post Opinion