Was my dad’s boss right to give him a written warning over his attendance?


My dad emails my mom with messages between he and his boss, my dad called out yesterday & emailed his boss. The boss replies (in bad English), cc’s two other employees & points out it’s suspicious that he normally calls out on Fridays and Mondays, plus he tends to call out right when he accrues enough hrs (he accrues PTO/sick days) & mentioned he’s already called out 5 times for 2023. My dad has been at the company for a little over a year I think, apparently my dad replied to the email getting kind of defensive, mentioned he’s only called out on a Monday & Friday 2 times & called out on the other days of the week the 3 other times. His boss apologized, my mom told me today he updated her & was given a written warning. in my opinion 5 days for the year is a bit much considering we’re only in May but my mom told me that she had a tendency to call out every week for a few years & wasn’t told anything until her most recent boss called her out on it via email a few years back then my mom finally stopped doing that.

TLDR; was my dad’s boss micromanaging/being difficult giving him a written warning after calling out 5 days for the year already?

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Was my dad’s boss right to give him a written warning over his attendance?
4 Opinion