Am I making a bad choice?

Hi. I turned 23 this year. I dont have any college degree. I dropped out about 2 years ago because i was unmotivated and i was not passionate at all of what i was studying for, but im getting older and time doesn't stop for anyone.

I can't keep waiting because the fact that i have wasted 5 years of my life for the mere fact that i dont know what i want, is getting more ridiculous and embarrassing each year. Lately i cannot stop thinking about going back to college. I have to choose a path this time because at least i know where i would be going. Last time i went to college i just chose a certain study but didn't know what it was for.

My mom is a nurse and have been telling me to study nursing. This is only because i keep telling her i dont know what i want. Years ago i’d just ignore her, but I've just been stuck and need to move forward, so i have started to actually think about being a nurse. It seems to pay enough. I dont have a kid, or any major bills i have to spend money on. So it seems good enough for me.

I have a lot on my mind. Like how hard it might be, the classes, the actual job, and im scared of going to college again, but i realize i have to try because the other option is staying where i have been my whole life and its draining the life out of me. My friends have graduated, moved places, getting real jobs, and im still the same as i was at 18.

I have a boyfriend (somehow) who loves me and is supportive of me. He made me realize I've just been making excuses to not go back. That im just scared of failing (typical). I was surprised he gave me a little tough love lol. I have nothing else going on in my life. I know some people dont need college to succeed but i know im not one of those people.

Am i right/wrong to just wanna pursue nursing for this reason? Im guessing even if i regret it, it won't be a bigger regret than staying where i am at right now. Right
You won't regret pursuing to be a nurse
You will regret pursuing a degree you dont want
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10 mo
I work in a restaurant and have been working there since i graduated high school. I cannot grow old there. I would rather die. I dont know what im doing or what i want still but i think im too old to stay in this stage of my life.
Am I making a bad choice?
11 Opinion