Could this mean that im unattractive? Last choice sexually?

im in my early 20s and I am naturally shy, especially around men. My friend is in her late 20s. We were hanging out with 2 guys who are also in their 20s. I'm not saying names, but I'll just use numbers. Guy #1 had flirted with me before, but he had also been flirting with my friend and he has taken her to a bar before just hanging out with her casually. Guy #2 was texting me the night we all hung out and had practically begged me to come hang out with them all (i wasn't going to because it was late and i had work the next day but he talked me into it) and he was also saying stuff like, "I know you wanna see me ;)"and he had texted me while we were all hanging out and told me to sit by him on the couch, but I kinda felt uncomfortable so I sat in my own chair. (I am shy.) Then my friend sits in the middle of the two guys, and Guy #2 starts touching on her legs and stuff. It was pretty obvious that my friend liked guy #2 because she was heavily flirting with him. My friend asks me to come sit by her so I do and I end up sitting next to Guy #1. My friend and Guy #2 start making out and go into her bedroom to have sex. And me and guy #1 end up alone and we had sex too. After they go home, my friend's phone goes off and Guy #1 had texted her and was very mad and told her to lose his number because she fucked Guy #2. I feel very used and pretty awful about myself. I guess neither guy wanted to fuck me and then both of them just wanted my friend? Lol...

(Please dont shame me. I'll never do this again by the way. I understand that this is dirty behavior. This is one of these live and learn moments.) But I just feel kinda bad about myself now so what happened here? Am I unattractive? Lol

9 mo
*my friend is more outgoing and flirty and talkative by the way. I kind of kept to myself this night whereas she flirted with both guys and sat in the middle of them
Could this mean that im unattractive? Last choice sexually?
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