Can a job force you to travel without your consent?

My job has been having me travel a lot lately and I been doing it , even though I been hesitant with it My boss is now being an asshole about it when I told him I will not be able to travel the next few weeks , because I have other things I have planned , especially with the holidays around the corner. He made a comment saying I am not going to pay you to sit on your ass? Can a company force you to travel without your consent? I am about to call an attorney because I didn’t sign up for this and now I feel my employment is going to be in jeopardy if I refuse. Has anyone ever dealt with this before?
5 mo
I spoke to my boss and everything is cool , I am only going to be traveling for a few days each week , so I can’t really complain since they are still paying my salary , I will be home for the holidays 😋
Can a job force you to travel without your consent?
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