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My decision in going back to college in my 30s

"Life always offers you a second chance, it's called tomorrow" - Stephen King When I graduated High School in 2009, I enrolled at East...
9 20

My experience working in a restaurant as a kitchen staff member

College students usually find jobs in retails as they complete their studies as the these jobs tend to be not as physically strenuous...
9 14

Commanding Thy self

Just blogging something I learnt today. Conscientiousness is four things hard work decision making perfectionism planning Hard work, Im...
0 1

Why Good Job Opportunity Isn't Worth Moving Away From My Family & Friends

Here are 4 important reasons why I am willing to refuse a good job opportunity. If you are open-minded, I invite you to read my take. 1....
0 1

K to 12 Education

If we as a society are going to tax to finance K-12 education, the checks she go the parents or guardian of each and every school child....
0 11

Working Remotely & Internationally

Sometimes very tiny misunderstandings can set you up for failure. This is a Mytake accounting 3 aspects of my experiences working remote...
1 1

Does your Educational Degree define you? From a rising star Farmer!

I live in a rural area. People are scarce and we are a growing community. Just these past years a lot of babbies were born but people's...
5 18

You didn't like the 9 to 5 work schedule when you were younger. Do you like it now?

I have to Choose CSE or ME (Engineering). I am looking at CSE cause it pays good. And ME curriculumn looks quite good for me. But i...

Who can offer guidance or direct me towards the path of becoming a professional writer?

Throughout most of my life, I've dedicated myself to writing, and many have affirmed my talent in this pursuit. However, recent changes...

Wtf is this and why haven’t I seen this before?

So I’ve been working at a retail store for the past year. There’s like 100 employees that clock in at work from 8 to 4:30 pm. There’s...

How do you feel after a winning persuasive speech?

Do you enjoy that look in the eyes of a person, where all their arguments have been vanished, all their questions have been answered and...

Boyfriend starting and working on business but won’t tell me what it is?

My boyfriend (21) and I (20) have been together for 3 months and it’s had a good ton of ups and downs with trying to understand each...

Anyone else having a hard time landing a job?

I was just laid off January of this year , My company decided to close down my office out of the blue , they offered me to relocate...

Do you miss college?

I feel nostalgic because it was the best time of my life so far.
15 31

Which study desk do you prefer🤔🤔?

What is your preference?
3 8

Would the students of the private schools more spoiled and naughty than students of public schools because of being richer?

I've worked at 2 private and 2 public schools. the students of public schools were way better. are the students of private schools...
2 2

Should homeschooling be illegal?

Think of homeschooling as putting an extra 5 points on scheming and 5 less points on social skills I was homeschooled k-12 After 4th...
8 23

Is no job a red flag?

I recently met this guy. Seems pretty nice. He has similar interests. Unfortunately, lives a couple of hours away but he wants to...
1 4

Top Posts

I rescheduled my Walmart orientation!!! I need advice?

Ok so I got a call from Walmart hiring manager saying that I had orientation Thursday but I told her that I have a very very important...

Which college major has the most attractive students?

I sometimes feel as if I can't keep up with the competition in engineering. When I walk into lecture and feel so much...
15 10

Graduation year written on bare soles in senior photos - why do they do that?

I've graduated from High School this year and like everyone else my parents sent me to a photographer to get my senior pictures. I went...

Is a 96% average good in high school?

I'm not from the US, so I don't know how to convert my average in your grades. In % it's more accurate for understanding. Also, if...
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