My Top 3 Guilty Pleasures


Hello GAG land, It's Stephen here again with a new mytake challenge. This time around I thought I would talk about guilty pleasures. Something we don't want to admit we like or we feel awkward for liking. Anyway here are three of my guilty pleasures.

1. Professional Wrestling

My Top 3 Guilty Pleasures

Ok, maybe not a bad guilty pleasure, but some people get ridiculed for liking wrestling because it's fake and scripted. But, aren't 99% of the TV shows we watch and even a lot of the news? I have followed wrestling ever since I was about 11 years old. Some of my all time favorites are "Macho Man" Randy Savage, The Undertaker, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Even though it is fake and scripted there are still some very real moments in it that surprise me.

2.Lifetime Movies

You know those movies that are "Based on a True Story"? I love watching those. Something about them makes me want to watch. I especially love the High School themed ones where they talk about bullying, drugs, sex, hazing etc... It kinda makes you want to pull for the underdogs.

3. Taylor Swift

My Top 3 Guilty Pleasures

Ok yeah let the haters hate, but I love Taylor Swift. Sure she's had a lot of boyfriends, she can't sing live to hear some people say, and she has a reputation for being a bitch. But she knows it and doesn't give a shit what haters think. That is why I like her.

Other honorable mentions:

Jerry Springer and Maury Povich

Candy Crush Saga

Serial Killer and crime documentaries

JFK Assassination radio/tv bulletins

Archie Comic Books


Cartoons in general

I nominate





and @Pitzi to do this challenge..

Oh and one more thing to any haters out there who might wanna ridicule me.... I've got two words for ya!

My Top 3 Guilty Pleasures



My Top 3 Guilty Pleasures
25 Opinion