Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!


I just turned 25 and the last movie I watched was How to Train Your Dragon. But here's the kicker... I don't have any kids. I'm always baffled by the fact that a vast amount of adults look at movies like How to Train Your Dragon and pass them off as simply kids movies. Something you switch on netflix to entertain your toddler when in all honestly a 5 or 6 year old probably won't even understand the plot. Obviously this isn't the case with every animated movie... I mean... minions exists.

Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!

There are plenty of animated movies and especially tv shows that are little more than bright colors and toilet humor... But it's extremely frustrating to me how every animated movie is lumped together as "just for kids" simply because it doesn't feature flesh and blood people. So much work and dedication goes into these movies. I love How to Train Your Dragon for the story, the unique lovable characters, the emotions it conveys, the messages it sends, the beautiful music, the sweeping landscapes and the amount of work and effort goes into every second it's on screen. And the list goes on... things your 6 year old probably won't notice or appreciate.

Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!

I keep mentioning How to Train Your Dragon because it is personally my absolute favorite movie. Even as a 25 year old woman. And why shouldn't I? But this isn't just the case with Dragons. Movies like Kung Fu Panda, Megamind, The Prince of Egypt, The Lost City of Atlantis, Anastasia, The Road to El Dorado, every Studio Ghibli film and Don Bluth film... all are movies that have deep complex plots and elements that go way over the heads of young children. Now I get that animated movies are usually targeted at families. The cute animals, bright colors and occasional silliness is there for kids but I would argue the rest is all there for older audiences. So why is it people are under the impression you need a young child present to enjoy these movies? Because you don't.

Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!

The prince of Egypt is definitely not a kids movie. There is nothing in it for young children whatsoever. And though I am not religious... this movie brings me to tears with how absolutely beautiful it is. The animation, the music, the story... it's nothing short of a work of art... but how many disheartened parents would take one look at the box art and shove it in the DVD player for their toddler to watch without giving it a second thought because "it's just a cartoon so it must be for kids." Animated movies like The Prince of Egypt deserve so much more than that. Obviously that's not to say children can't enjoy these movies but children do not have a monopoly on good animated films.

Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!

Call me immature if you wish... but I will always prefer my favorite animated films over my favorite live action films. I grew up watching animated films. It's what I've always watched and that shouldn't change just because I'm an adult. It's what I've always preferred. And that's what it comes down to I guess. We all have our preferences and that's totally okay! Just don't pretend every animated movie is the same and that they're just for kids... or even that they're primarily for kids. You'll only be missing out and sound really close minded and ignorant. Whether you're a child who loves how to train your dragon or an adult who loves minions. Just keep an open mind and don't be that person who does the cartoons = kids thing.

Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!
Adults Can Watch Animated Movies Too!
51 Opinion