Rebooting shows is like rewriting history. You do not rewrite history

Im sure we had one of these in our houses..
Im sure we had one of these in our houses..

Growing up.. When you heard this....

You knew you were in for a treat...

But now...

'All in the Family' and 'The Jeffersons' are returning to TV for a one-night reboot

"All in the Family" and its spinoff series "The Jeffersons" were two of the boldest and most beloved sitcoms of the 1970s and early '80s. In fact, both shows were so groundbreaking that many pop culture spectators and industry insiders have long claimed they'd never even make it on network TV these days.

HELL to the NO...

You can not rewrite history.. or remake perfection.

This may fly in person...but not on television..

This also won't happen "on the job" either..

Rebooting shows is like rewriting history. You do not rewrite history
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