Have you seen the anime called "Goblin Slayer"? What are your thoughts about it? Do you think more animes like this should be made?

by the way if you haven't , you can. It's not bad. Although would say it's for mature audience. If you are into dark anime then it's for you
Have you seen the anime called Goblin Slayer? What are your thoughts about it? Do you think more animes like this should be made?
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What I meant was should anime on controversial topics be made. Berserk manga never got adapted into an anime because of possible backlash.

Goblin Slayer was also accused of promoting rape when in fact it was clearly not. I don't know where these critics come from , they just say stuff without watching the anime
Have you seen the anime called "Goblin Slayer"? What are your thoughts about it? Do you think more animes like this should be made?
12 Opinion