What movies do you intend to see between now and the remainder of the year?

I really hate i missed Godzilla vs Kong but maybe I’ll see it eventually. The Forever Purge looks a hot mess and sounds just as silly. They should’ve stopped at Purge Anarchy since its the only one in the series worth watching. Escape Room was good but not great so I’m debating if I’ll watch Escape Room 2 (July 16) in theaters. I do look forward to Jungle Cruise (July 30) mainly because of the killer animal scenes… cause it surely isn't for cocky ass Rock. I didn't realize Dont Breathe 2 (Aug 13) was coming out so i do look forward to that film. Venom 1 was good but not great but I still look forward to Venom 2 (September 24). Spectre wasn't interesting enough to finish but i do wanna see Bond’s No Time to Die (October 8). I’m pissed they rebooted Resident Evil (November 24) but i am curious as to how it more closely follows the game characters this time. I also look forward to Spiderman No Way Home (December 17). Homecoming sucked but the Far From Home made up for it.
This weekend I saw Fast & Furious 9. I wasn't crazy about F&F 1/2 and i found 3/4 good but not great. I actually enjoyed the extremes of Fast 5-8. I rank those like 9/10. However, Fast 9 was so over the top and like 7/10. And without Paul, Jason Statham has been the next best thing in the series in my opinion. So it sucked to only get a cameo from him in this one. Also, the climax of the movie (the big cliff jump) SHOULD NOT have been the intro. Like whats left to look forward to? Hans return story was straight BS and Cardi B’s cameo was pointless. Bow Wow and Lucas Black lost their attraction and were a bit hard to watch. But if you thought the fact that they really took a car to outerspace was over the top, prepare yourself for their Jurassic World crossover 🙈 Anyways, the best thing about the movie was the soundtrack, Letty, the new Asian chick with the sword, and heck even the old British lady. She whipped the ride quite nicely. Everyone else was just pretty dry 🤷‍♀️
+1 y
My gramps and I are halfway sleep watching Godzilla vs Kong rn. Like what is this bullshit 😂 we literally said at the same time, “and i thought Fast 9 was a disappointment.” Like the neon colors are the only thing interesting about this film. Kong is getting more screentime so it honestly feels like Kong 2 rather than Godzilla V Kong. And its about as boring as Godzilla 1. Part 2 (king of monsters) was better i admit. But this shit right here… 😂 My grandpa asked if a 9 year old produced GvK
What movies do you intend to see between now and the remainder of the year?
64 Opinion