- 1 y
I had a “pet” spider the last couple of weeks lmfao
I realized that spiders come out in the summer cause that’s when the bitch ass bugs come out too. Like mosquitoes, cause of this I appreciated it cause it was my little pest control.
I put a preying mantis in it’s web and watched it attack and eat it. It was pretty interesting410 Reply- 1 y
Lol yeah
- 1 y
Damn! That's one hell of a spider that can take out a preying mantis! 😳 Do you know what kind of spider it is?
- 1 y
Barn spider lol
The mantis was pretty fucked ngl lol all it’s limbs were spread out and it was trying to get unstuck. The spider immediately went up to it and began webbing it up with thick silk - 1 y
Yeah I know. It was fun tho
- 1 y
I’m evil af
- 1 mo
I use to have spider then they disappeared I kiss them fagits
- 1 mo
@Gezbelle you’re a. Sadist to P. M. me? Lmao
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
Spiders are my buddies. I used to fear them, now I coexist with them. I let them set up their webs, they don’t bother me, and I don’t bother them. We have nightlights around the house, and these smart bastards just post up there overnight and it attracts any fruit flies, gnats, mosquitoes, etc. They eat good, and I never wake up with spider bites, so I ain’t trippin’. Ask me again if I ever move to Australia, lmao, their wildlife always seems to be on another level😂
00 Reply
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Not if they're below me.
I just hate it so much when I catch spiders (especially bigger ones) sneakily yet swiftly lower themselves to intended victims underneath them.
That freaks me out and makes me scream.
Fortunately, I'm not afraid to crush one flat between my two bare hands.
10 Reply
I jumped out of a moving car when ond fell on me out of panic.
I was driving. Luckily I couldn't figure out how to get my seat belt off and I was only in an empty parking lot. Still I almost got my legs trapped under the car due to freaking panic.25 ReplyOh my god. But I get it. My sister had a bug crawl on her leg in my car and she panicked, convulsed, and started crying.
- 1 y
@love_conquers_lust absolutely no control. Just primal fear.
Try not to think of their hairy legs. Or the ones that are so fat that their abdomen thuds on a hardwood floor as they scurry. Or that they don’t blink when they stare.
There are some neat spiders out there:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Texc6qhtE- 1 y
@love_conquers_lust that list made me shudder three times reading it.
Yeah, I was being a smart ass. There are some alien looking ones out there. I'm wary of Brown Recluses where I live in the Midwest. I read one of the evolutionary uses of human hair was in detecting and shielding from bugs/spiders. Makes me wonder about buzzing/cutting my hair or shaving. At the same time, I'm not sleeping outside on dirt ground.
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
No. In fact, I actually have a spider at the base of my toilet in my bathroom that I have been feeding ants and other insects for the past 3-4 months. 😂 He's my little' spider bud! 😋 I don't mind spiders at all, just as long as they're not actually crawling/skittering on me. lol
10 Reply - 1 y
You gotta admit; that's a face only a mother could love.
13 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
Mom: "Billy! You're home... Ohhhhh! Just look at you! You're as handsome as ever! Have you been making your web every morning? Have you been eating well? Have you been eating your flies for good health? It doesn't look like you've been eating well. You really need to take better care of yourself. By the way, when are you getting married? Are you seeing anyone? Why don't you find a wholesome girl like a good boy? I want to be a grandmother! I want to hear the pitter-patter of thousands of little legs before I die next week! It's so good to see you though!"
Billy: "Hi, mom... yes, mom... yes, every morni... I have... I've been eating, mom... mom, I am healthy, I promis... I have been taking care of myse... I don't know... I said I don't know...*sighs... No, not right now... I just haven't found the right girl yet... yes, I know... I know, mom... it'll happen when it happens... I knowwww... I know you want to be a grandmoth... yesssss, the pitter-patter, I know... it's good to see you too, mom." *sighs... lol 🤦🏼♂️ - 1 y
I normally don't like Canadians, but you're funny as fuck! LOL
You should be a comedian. You would kick ass.
357 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Certain ones like the bigger ones and black widow and brown recluse. I’ve got an app now that identifies spiders bugs etc so that has helped control my fear but if it’s a small one - Smack! With my bare hand I’ll kill that sucker! If it’s a big one like a yellow and black one in a web, I’ll get a stick and knock it down then squash the spider with my shoe covered foot. But only if it’s in my way of yard work like weed eating the bushes etc. Otherwise I’ll let it be.
10 Reply379 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. I squished 3 black widows with my fingers in front of my friend and he wigged out. I still don't like it when I'm walking through my yard at night and feel one crawling in my neck, though. I still say "oh shit!" and furiously slap them away.
10 Reply- 1 y
I find them unpleasant but not terrifying. I’m not courageous enough to kill them so I let my parents do the insect control in my home. I even considered getting a roommate if my mom dies so I don’t have to kill the insects myself.
10 Reply 312 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. not the tiny harmless ones but the bigger or furry ones..😣😣
12 Reply- 1 y
Ew yessss
- 1 y
2.4K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. - 1 y
Depends on the spider. tarantuals are actually cool looking to me
but like black widows.. those look a bit freaky lol
12 Reply- 1 y
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Yes they definitely look freaky lol
- 1 y
I broke my tailbone last year smacking a brown recluse out of my daughter’s hair. I don’t fuck with spiders anymore after that one
28 Reply- 1 y
Nooooo! Don't hate on all spiders because of one little' brown recluse! 😟 I had one skitter across my hand one time when I was moving some fire wood. lol
- 1 y
@Adventurer23 that thing was not little and he made me break my tailbone 😂 it’s inexcusable
- 1 y
@Lyndsielee666 That does suck about breaking your tailbone! Did you squish him on the way down? 😂 Seriously though, how did you wind up breaking your tailbone?
- 1 y
@Adventurer23 I smacked it off my kids head with a squishmallow and tripped over my big ass dog in the process 😂 landed on a brick that one of my girls put in the couch that’s on our porch
- 1 y
The spider definitely got away
- 1 y
@Lyndsielee666 lol 😂 The image I have in my mind of that whole scenario is pretty funny, but the end result surely wasn't! That must've hurt so bad. I've heard a broken tailbone is agony. You can't sit for weeks and even finding a position while laying down is uncomfortable. Let alone getting up! Sort of like breaking your collar bone. Every breath you take hurts and sleeping in your own bed is difficult. I hope all is well now though! 🙂
- 1 y
@Adventurer23 that’s the second time I’ve broken it and I actually have a hairline fracture in my collar bone along with a deteriorating shoulder 😂 gymnastics fucked me up but all is well now ☺️ no more killing spiders around my dogs lmfao
- 1 y
@Lyndsielee666 Oh, damn! You've been through the wringer! 😨 I've been lucky so far. Despite being an active, outdoorsy kind of guy, the only broken bone I've had so far was when I dropped a guitar on my big toe about 3 years ago! 😂 That one sucked too. It wasn't really painful at all, but for 6 weeks I couldn't wear shoes or anything on my foot! It was during the dead of winter though, so it wasn't all bad. lol But heh, you've got a bum shoulder too, huh? Same! lol I mean, it's mostly okay, but I just know I'm going to have shoulder issues once I get older. I blew out my shoulder pitching (torn rotator cuff and muscle atrophy), and it's never been the same since. Isn't sports fun? 😂
Only when they touch me, but I don't mind getting close to spiders.
21 Reply- 1 y
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No. But I hate the spiderwebs, when I dive through them, face first. 🤬🤬🤬
32 Reply- 1 y
Hiking tip: let someone else hike ahead of you first so they're the one who gets all the spiderwebs. lol
- 1 y
I shall remember that! 😬
10 Reply3.7K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Not really, but that doesn't mean I want them crawling over me in the middle of the night either.
20 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Yes! But I notice I'm not as afraid of jumping spiders. They look kinda cute to me ngl.
20 Reply887 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Not Really. Don't Care for Cockroaches. xxoo
22 Reply- 1 y
Same. Hardly any bugs bother me, not even bees and wasps, but cockroaches and house centipedes really creep me out. 😨 Y'know, the ones whose long ass wispy legs fall off and keep twitching. lol 🤢
- 1 y
@Adventurer23 lol Cocky in NC. xxoo
- 1 y
I'm not afraid of them but I also don't really like them either lol.
22 Reply- 1 y
Would you give spider man an upside down kiss if he came bu your house tho?
- 1 y
Tom Holland? Yeah I would. Haha
- 1 y
Yes and thank you for not including a picture of some alien tarantula that looks like something that lives right above Hell. Was really not trying to get jump scared before going to bed.
10 Reply - 1 y
Nope. My favorite thing is having a yellow garden spider outside where I can watch them make their web every night. I'll turn on the porch light so the bugs fly into it.
20 Reply 5.3K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. No, its not like this
https://www.youtube.com/embed/4vudA72hibg10 Reply- 1 y
no they don't bother me at all eventhough one recently bit me. snakes though... diff story...
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes, I'm afraid of spiders, I got a spider bite years ago and had to go on antibiotics as I got better.
10 Reply - 1 y
Big ones yes, very much. I'm too scared to even kill them because I'm scared they'll jump on me
20 Reply 1.2K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. 10 Reply- 1 y
Not at all. I love spiders, I even have a spider tattoo 🕷️🕸️
12 Reply- 1 y
Are you afraid of them cool cat?
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Yes if they're Australian. No if they're regular sized.
10 Reply - 1 y
Not as much as i used to be, i don't really mind them now
10 Reply Spiders creep me , if I see one I'll get my brother or my Dad to squish 😲
23 Reply- 1 y
NOOOOOO!!! Don't squish them! 😢 Whenever I see a spider in the house I just carefully trap it and relocate it outside. 😊 But others I just leave alone because they're totally harmless and they're just doin' their little spider business. lol
- 1 y
@Adventurer23 if like them good for you..
854 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. The small ones here, more disgust.
Unknown ones, I would definitely stay away; They can be lethal.14 Reply- 1 y
Does the UK even have any lethal spiders?
- 1 y
Ah, I just assumed because that's what your profile says.
- 1 y
So long as they're not venomous, I don't mind spiders.
10 Reply yes! but no I just kill them if my so not here to remove them
10 Reply- 1 y
Just the poisonous ones like Black Widows and Brown Recluse.
10 Reply Why Only Spiders? People are also afraid of rats, cockroaches, lizards, etc. They might have had some trauma at one point of their life !
10 Reply371 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. All depends on the spider. Most are just annoying
10 Reply- 1 y
Yeah but if there pet spider's I don't mind I'd love to get a pet spider
10 Reply - 1 y
Venomous ones I’m wary of. Some are beneficial like Wolf spiders.
00 Reply - 1 y
I don't mind them. Especially the ones in Australia.
00 Reply - 1 y
Only the ones I don't keep!
10 Reply - 1 y
Only the poisonous ones.
20 Reply - 1 y
Check it out peacock spider
12 Reply- 1 y
It's gorgeous
- 1 y
And funny
- 1 y
I cringe when I see them 😬
10 Reply 551 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Nope they've never both me
20 Reply- 1 y
I'm only afraid of the poisonous spiders
10 Reply Spiders are afraid of me 😂
10 ReplyYeah, I never really liked them
10 Reply1.9K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Some spiders - definitely yes.
10 ReplyNo
I am at least 10% larger than them10 Reply- 1 y
20 Reply 517 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. No but I don’t like them
10 Reply667 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. SPIDERS ARE AWESOME
10 Reply- 1 y
10 Reply - 1 y
Only really big ones and poisonous ones
00 Reply - 1 y
Not really.
10 Reply - 1 y
Yes who isn't
12 Reply- 1 y
Not me! I just don't like them on me. lol I've even been within 6-8 inches of black widows to take pictures of them before. 🙂 And whenever there's one in the house I just trap it with care and relocate it outside. 😊
- 1 y
@Adventurer23 well you r a guy...
510 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Not at all.
10 Reply- 1 y
Only venomous ones
20 Reply - 1 y
yes 🕷️
10 Reply 1.8K opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Yes🫣
10 Reply330 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. Yes.
10 Reply585 opinions shared on Entertainment & Arts topic. They can do a lot of damage to our Bodies
00 ReplyA little, not nearly as much as snakes.
00 Reply- Show More (2)
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