Is life better as an extrovert?

I have been in different groups and have experienced few things that remain consistent.

1. Many fake, lying and fickle people.

2. They are good and loyal one day and suddenly turns on their closest friends when the opportunity comes.

3. People who I thought were close actually dislike each other secretly.

4. One day you're the best person (whenever you help them or understand them).
  • Next day you're arrogant and have an attitude (when you need personal space are genuinely busy and won't waste your time according to their whims).

I always got disappointed that barely anyone was as straightforward with clear intentions like me.

  • Unless it's a boss or someone important who can open doors for you in the future, I see NO POINT in pleasing or pretending to like others.

This is the reason I end up leaving the group within few months.

I've seen that most people dislike one fake gossip girl in our group, yet she is still included and invited in our plans.

So how do real people find a good group where they can truly enjoy the real friendships?
Is life better as an extrovert?
1 Opinion