Have you ever had a fall out with a friend, did you ever try and fix things?

Well here’s my story:

I had a friend that I grew up with. We are now on two separate paths. She has three kids and I don’t. When I graduated college I came back home and I tried to reach out and hang out.
There was this one day in particular. We were both drinking and I got heat it she kick me out. I slept in my car because I was drunk and I could not drive. I lost my shoes. I know I have actions that I own and I’ve never stated that I was perfect.
But at the end of the day you’re putting my life in danger by letting me sleep in my car and I am not sober anything could’ve happened to me.

Fast forwarding to now. We started communicating slightly. Hi pretty much stopped going over there hanging. Having conversations on the phone mainly. she ended up having her third and wanted me to be a part of things. I took time because newborn children greats but I didn’t want to see the child until they were a little bit older not two days.
At this point or stage in time I don’t even know if there’s a friendship to Begin with.
1 y
In result do you have a hard time of letting things go? What do you think about forgiveness
Have you ever had a fall out with a friend, did you ever try and fix things?
12 Opinion