Why can I not fall in love anymore?


I used to fall in love so often and easily just a few years ago. The amount of people I have had a crush on is endless, I have lost count. Just the smallest things would make me fall in love. A smile, eye contact, or just standing beside someone.

Now I just do not feel anything close to romantic, ever. I never catch feelings for guys anymore. He could be extremely handsome, tall, funny, nice, intelligent, but I never feel anything remotely romantic. I have the same feelings for men as I have for women now, platonic. The most I feel for a man is to become friends, but I never feel love.

I do not know why, why this switch up? I used to be boy crazy but now I am just, I guess, not what I am used with or what I would consider "myself" anymore?

Just for clarification, I have not been "hurt" by men in what you would expect because I am a virgin who has never been in a relationship, so that is not a reason for why I cannot fall in love anymore.

I do not know if this is helpful but no one has ever had a crush on me or been interested in me, and physically I am below average and conventionally unattractive (not fat, just an ugly face, and I look older than my age)

Why can I not fall in love anymore?

Why can I not fall in love anymore?
3 Opinion