Help. I feel like my parents divorce is all my fault. Could you all please hear me out?


Okay so my parents have been together for a while, although thy kinda started loosing touch around my high school years. Not sleeping in the same bed, mild arguments, etc. Although right now I am in medical school and I am trying my best, but it’s really hard and I haven’t been getting perfect A’s due to me also playing soccer. I think tensions are rising between my parents because I haven’t been doing so well, and I have reason to believe that they are blaming each other for me not doing so well. I’m still getting A’d and B’s, but I guess this isn’t enough.

Sorry for the long explanation, but is there something that I should do? Should I try harder and make them happy? I just kind of need help.

Help. I feel like my parents divorce is all my fault. Could you all please hear me out?
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