Has a pet’s passing ever affected you massively?

I lost a cat on the 12th on June. Ever since then I don’t feel quite the same and neither does my other cat. This isn’t the first cat I’ve lost either. My first cat passed away the Friday of my first week of 7th grade. Ever since that passing my mental health and everything about me has changed. I found out 2 years later I found it just how depressed I had become when I genuinely gave up on caring about life and school.

Now what my recent pet loss I find it hard to sleep, be motivated and everything else. I was attached to my cat a lot more than my last one since this one was imprinted on me. He would go wherever I was. All he wanted was love. This isn’t the only reason for my mental health decline but it’s one that I know affects me since I don’t have that anymore and everything around me feels so much more difficult and unbearable.

Has a pet’s passing ever affected you massively?
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