Should I end the friendship for good?

I had this friend of almost 10 years, we'll call her F. She's always been kind of a flake, would disappear for months at a time and get back in touch when she felt like it. She has this other friend, we'll call P. I'm not close friends at all with P but I'd consider her a good acquaintance I guess. Every time F would do that, she would kind of shift the friendship to P and start posting about her and tagging her in stuff and ignoring me completely. Throughout the beginning of the year, F and I would talk all the the time, call each other almost every day, and I even drove 3 hours to see her multiple times and it was great I thought. I really loved our friendship.
A few months ago, she just stopped answering me. She would message to complain about her guy troubles and when I'd reply she wouldn't answer, just like always. Same thing with P, posting about hanging out with her while claiming she's too mentally ill to hang out with anyone. She reached out to me and apologized for the first time a couple months ago and while I tried to be understanding I was irritated. I had even gone out of my way to get concert tickets that she asked for before all this that she never got back to me about so them and my money went to waste. Since she apologized, she still only messages me to trauma dump and the ignores me when I reply. Or if I message her first she leaves me on delivered for weeks until she feels like it. She messaged me the other day, but I ignored her. I've been debating on answering but a huge part is telling me no.
I just don't know what to do. I don't want her out of my life for good, but she's just using me at this point for something to vent to and then ignore.
Should I end the friendship for good?
2 Opinion