Should I just move away from everyone?


I’ve always been different in the family, completely different interests etc and I feel like I’m the scapegoat. Family will blame me for their own bad behaviour. My sister didn’t invite me to her wedding, but invited everyone else, I’ve always lived away and have done nothing to her. They all gossip, judge and make nasty remarks about me.

My parents have a guest house and I help clean the rooms nearly everyday (on top of my job etc). And when I literally said nothing bad and just asked for help, they called me a drama queen and said I make everything depressing? I constantly feel bad everytime I go out to see my friends as they’ll usually complain and say how I’m leaving them to “do everything” which isn’t the case.

I confided in friends and they said I should plan in the background to move. I use to live Somewhere beautiful, have a few friends around there still it’s miles away, but I know they won’t like it. Should I just move away? I can’t stand the negativity anymore. No matter what I say or do, they’ll never admit to being wrong

Should I just move away from everyone?
1 Opinion