Why are my parents still together if they always argue and insult each other and haven’t been intimate in a over decade?


I’m 22 now but I remember as a kid when I was 14 my dad would say if he won the lottery he would divorce my mum and he always says she makes him feel so small yestarday he even made a rude comment about her body.

My mum said she doesn’t think my dad loves him and my dad always says he feels like a dogs body I wish I could help them I don’t want them to be together because they make each other so miserable my dad used to be a healthy happy upbeat positive man bur he’s been dragged down by my mum so much he’s depressed and walks around in ripped clothes with his hood up 24/7 complaining. Ps the only reason I know about their intimacy is my dad says he’s celibate like the monks I told my mum she said yes it’s been years maybe a decade or more oh wait it’s none of ur business. My dad legit says we aren’t husband and wife more like friends now. It makes me so sad

Why are my parents still together if they always argue and insult each other and haven’t been intimate in a over decade?
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