What weird things do you and your siblings do around each other?

I swear, me and my siblings are the weirdest creatures around each other sometimes. Hahahaha I can't even.

What weird things do you and your siblings do simply because you can? Because their your family and it's just allowed. lol :P

hhahahhahaha I am just dying right now thinking of the stuff we do ;D

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Well, I'm sure most families do this (at least I hope so lol) but me and my siblings just make weird noises really loud throughout the house, or make up weird words and scream them at each other while we make freaky faces and dance around weird.

My older brother (he doesn't live with us anymore) used to pin us down and fart in our faces. That definitely wasn't one that made me laugh ha ha I would scream. But, it makes me laugh now when I look back at it.

+1 y
And, whenever he needed to burp, he would turn his head toward us, burp, and then blow the air at us lol.

Ummm me and my little sister will like grab our boobs and make funny noises and faces lol and we immitate a part of this youtube video where this weird girl hits her vagina hahahah here's the video:


and just all kinds of similar weird sh*t like that.

What weird things do you and your siblings do around each other?
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