Do you and your best friends share a lot in common?


I think its easy for me to avoid those I once considered BFFs for a good 5-12 years because I realized we never truly had much in common. I’m not even sure how we became friends lmao. Maybe because we lived close to eachother or were outcasts at times. Maybe friends by default due to class or having dated someone in the others family? I don't know.

Marsh— the party girl/school hoe

Kourt— the shorty that got picked on

Law— the hot jock who surprisingly didn't have the typical guys mindset

Aye— the class clown whose mom scolded him in front of everyone daily

Tan— the super religious girl who wore a skirt 24/7 and “shamed” others

Ti— a super tall jock who wanted to become a stripper yet was the same height as the pole

Dez— the class clown who eventually got sent to alternative school

Mandy— the homeless wild child who had abusive racist grandparents

Mari— the “my teen mom is my best friend” cheerleader

Ant— the smooth kid who was a helluva dancer

Zak— the geek who was an amazing rapper, dancer and skater

3— the guy who desperately tried to get girls attention

Co— the guy who was old enought to be in college but was still in HS

Pat— the super tall ladies man with a dark side

And then there was me... the somewhat shy yet talkative kid, teachers pet, popular with the jocks, hated by the girlfriends... innocent until fcking around in public with the verbally abusive cheating boyfriend. I don't know what I had in common with these “friends” aside from a sense of humor 🤣

My “real” friends were in preschool and elementary— Ronnie, Jay, Alex, Rasa, Bo, Ives, Sef, Keith, Meg, Justin, Matt, Shell, Chance, Logan, Katie, Tev, Lexis, Charles, and Amy. I had ballet with the girls, videogame tournaments with the boys, and sports with both. We split due to moves to different cities/schools, with bday parties being our only reunions. But we didn't turn on eachother as easily as those in HS.



10 mo
I guess the thing in common with the high school/college crew was being misfits, outcasts, closet freaks, and drama queens 🤣🤷‍♀️ The guys at least had similar logical views and the girls had great similar taste in eyecandy. But that also led to a lot of boyfriend stealing. Oh well guess thats about it 🤷‍♀️ Like i said, my “real” friends were in preschool and elementary lmao
Do you and your best friends share a lot in common?
37 Opinion